IMPAQT finalist for the Sustainable Business Awards 2021 in Turkey

The Intelligent Management System for IMTA developed by the IMPAQT project has been selected as a finalist in the category “Sustainable Innovation” thanks to the application submitted by Çamli, our project partner in Turkey.

The purpose of the Sustainable Business Awards is to highlight the projects that have made significant impacts by proactively addressing and managing corporations’ economic, environmental, and social effects. Thus, the awards encourage change and accelerate the transition to sustainable business models by ensuring that these projects are role models.

In the framework of IMPAQT, Çamli has implemented an integrated multi-trophic aquaculture system in an offshore marine facility located at 1.5 km from Ildırı Bay, Izmir, West coast of Turkey. The IMTA set-up combined European seabass (Dicentarchus labrax), black mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis), and sea lettuce (Ulva rigida) species. IMPAQT is adding value to IMTA systems by including intelligent monitoring sensors and systems for environmental observation and production management. Using the IMPAQT Intelligent Management System allows Çamli for quick intervention to protect the environment and species welfare at the same time. In addition, it allows for improvements in operational procedures like feeding and waste reduction efficiency. This knowledge could be helpful to both farmers and regulatory authorities and should lead to the production of high-quality seafood for human consumption.

The Sustainable Business Awards are evaluated with impartiality in each category by jury members consisting of Turkey’s leading academics and independent experts. The evaluation of the finalists will take place during October, and the awards ceremony will take place online in November.