IMPAQT Knowledge Center

Take a look at all IMPAQT results so far!

Do you want to have access to all IMPAQT results?

Find out all about IMPAQT´s outcomes to develop and validate a multi-purpose, multi-sensing and multi-functional management platform, promoting and demonstrating the sustainability of IMTA systems.


You are invited to learn with us about the concept of IMTA, its benefits, and challenges, as well as the practises and technological tools to successfully manage and monitor an IMTA farm.

Along 3 modules, you will dive into the fundamental knowledge about IMTA and Precision Aquaculture and key aspects of the sustainability, and socio-economic impact of IMTA, all designed on an user-friendly platform.

Enrol in the IMPAQT MOOC and have an exciting journey to the future of Aquaculture.


Four years of hard teamwork are summarized in our latest release: the IMPAQT Handbook.

To facilitate agile and engaging learning beyond the project about the most relevant actions and results, we have created this easy-to-skim handbook, documenting this journey. The IMPAQT Handbook is guiding you through the project lifespan, providing quick access to expand information and to contact partners for future collaborations.

Let’s keep working to achieve a more sustainable and efficient aquaculture sector!

Public Reports and Deliverables

Deliverables are a common tool to measure the outcome of a project and to verify the envisaged milestones. IMPAQT aims at creating and sharing knowledge, and deliverables can help to increase the visibility and the impact of our project by disseminating our work. Most of our scientific deliverables are therefore public and available as soon as they have been approved by the EC. Stay tuned for our regular updates!


These factsheets are a simple overview of important information about our pilot sites. They are an easy-to-skim, compact, and concise summary of our of main outcomes. Take a look and let us know if you need more information!

Communication materials

Articles, blogs and interviews

Policy Hub and Stakeholder engagement

  • Learn the latest developments on aquaculture regulation
  • Access IMPAQT´s policy briefs
  • Take a look at our policy reports

1.IMPAQT Policy and Regulation Page

2.Highlighted EU Projects and initiatives

3.Policy brief: EU Potential for IMTA Development

4.Policy brief: EU Standardisation for Seaweed

Our Presence

  • Access our consortium presence in events
  • Get all the publications and articles made by IMPAQT partners
  • Take a look at the IMPAQT news on the press

Our videos