Highlights from IMPAQT 2020 meetings!

With the migration from face-to-face to on-line meetings, collaborative work has become more challenging but the IMPAQT partners have met virtually on a number of occasions in 2020 to facilitate progress and discussion.

Two on-line General Assembly plenary meetings were held, one in June and one in October, supported by other workshops. At these, over 30 project members presented achievements, challenges, planned, problem solved, and discussed open questions.

Some of the many highlights from the meetings include:

  • The progress from the IMTA trials on of the pilot sites where work is being carried out with a number of different seaweed and shellfish species within the IMTA set-ups, along with recognizing the challenges posed to implement an effective set-up.
  • The initial release and deployment of the monitoring and management systems, including the DAS, IADAS and EMS, which are acquiring and aggregating date for transmission to the IMS in the cloud.
  • The first version of the individual components of the IMS and with trailing and initial user feedback on the integrated IMPAQT platform.
  • Prototypes of the novel sensors, and their communications, being developed within the project.
  • The first version of the IMTA Model, focused on North Sea.
  • Initial results from biofouling on sensors work and from fish quality assessment.
  • The initial results from responses to the socio-economic assessment questionnaire.
  • Results from the base line of the Life-cycle assessment for the pilot sites.
  • The presence of the project on-line and engagement with sector to communicate the message of the project.

Meetings will continue on-line with the next significant meeting at end of February. Hopefully we’ll be able to meet face-to-face before the projects reaches completion later this year.

Stay tuned!