IMPAQT aims to develop and validate in-situ a multi-purpose, multi-sensing and multi-functional management platform for sustainable Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture production.
The high-level ambition is to drive a paradigm shift in the European Industry and its acceptance of IMTA as a viable approach, by paving the way to both a more environmentally friendly and more efficient/higher yielding European Industry.
We work to design and implement an advanced
IMTA model and an Integrated Management system
From May 2018 to April 2021, a consortium comprised of 21 partners from different countries and backgrounds will work to promote the eco-intensification of EU aquaculture.
Description: The Marine Institute is a statutory government agency tasked to undertake, coordinate, promote and assist in marine research and development and to provide such services related to marine research and development, which will promote economic development, create employment and protect the marine environment.
Main tasks: The Marine Institute is responsible for the overall project management, and coordination. This Institution has an ideal location and infrastructure for IMTA aquaculture and for this reason, and due to its wide experience it will be directly involved in the specification of the framework and design of the architecture of an IMTA model, as well as in the implementation and validation of the Impaqt pilots systems.

Contact person:
Name: Frank Kane
Position: Team Lead
Contact data:
+353 91 387 200
Description: WINGS is a dynamic SME which focuses on the development of software for various vertical sectors (namely, water, energy, smart cities, food safety, health, transportation, finance) through advanced wireless, cloud/IoT, big data and security technologies.
Main tasks: WINGS is the Technical Manager of Impaqt. Main activity of WINGS in Impaqt is to support novel operational functionalities in IMTA context based on: a) data and predictive analytics, b) optimal decision making and actuation for optimising production systems, as well as triggering early warning alerts. WINGS also leads the integration, pilots implementation and lab/in situ validation activities.

Contact person:
Name: Panagiotis Vlacheas
Position: Senior Solution Architect
Contact data:
INTRASOFT International is a leading European IT Solutions and Services Group with strong international presence and expertise, offering innovative and added-value solutions of the highest quality to a wide range of international and national public and private organizations.
The company employs more than 1,700 highly-skilled professionals, representing over 20 different nationalities and mastering more than 18 languages. INTRASOFT International operates through its operational branches, subsidiaries and offices in 13 countries.
More than 500 organizations in over 70 countries worldwide (Institutions and Agencies of the European Union, National Government Organizations, Public Agencies, Financial Institutions, Telecommunication Organizations, and Private Enterprises) have chosen the company’s services and solutions to fulfill their business needs.
Main tasks: Intrasoft will be mainly responsible for the design and development of the Integrated Management System for IMTA, as well as for the dissemination activities by developing the Dissemination Plan, while making other small contributions to other parts of the overall project.

Contact person:
Name: Ioanna Drigkopoulou
Position: R&I Project Manager
Contact data:
Description: North Sea Farmers (NSF) is a non-governmental organization that aims to develop, accelerate and promote a sustainable seaweed sector in the Netherlands by means of knowledge exchange, demonstrations and communication services. Their main instruments are the Seaweed Platform (80 members active in the whole value chain) and its offshore test facility North Sea Innovation Lab.
Main tasks: NSF will give support in the definition of sensible use cases and design requirements for IMTA model, based on many years of offshore experimentation and testing with offshore seaweed cultivation. Besides, NSF will coordinate one of the IMTA pilot test involving seaweed, mussels and ecosystem services on their offshore test facility.

Contact person:
Name: Eef Brouwers
Position: Operational Manager
Contact data:
+31 624 565 546
Description: Netas Telekomünikasyon A.Ş. provides a wide range of innovative E2E value-added technologies and has acquired substantial competency, extensive knowledge and strong experience since 1967. NETAS has become a member of Networld2020 ETP steering board and has deep expertise on system testing & integration, software development, and project management.
Main tasks: NETAS has the resources to carry out the software development activities related to the framework and architecture design of IMTA model, advanced integrated autonomous monitoring and the enhanced integrated aquaculture management systems, and in the overall integration and validation of the IMTA pilots as well as in the cost-effectiveness analysis.

Contact person:
Name: Dr. Guven Yucertuk
Position: Technology Research Engineer
Contact data:
+90 216 522 2824
Description: Çamlı Yem Besicilik was established in 1983 by Yaşar Group, operating in the fields of animal nutrition, plant nutrition, animal husbandry and fish farming. Fish farming branch has been producing sea bass, sea bream, meagre and completed a project supported by the The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey researching to reduce environmental load with IMTA system approach in aquaculture.
Main tasks: Camli is workpackage leader of WP1 and will lead the tasks that will define the IMTA use cases, which include requirements specification, measurement criteria for evaluation and prioritization for the technology development. Camli has the role on fish and seafood quality in industrial, legal perspective and developing Advanced integrated autonomous monitoring system , integrated management system design.

Contact person:
Name: Seyma Tarkan
Position: Project Manager (Financial and technical representative of company)
Contact data:
+90 532 320 21 18 / +90 232 726 02 65
Description: EGM is a French SME, providing a dual offer to create market confidence in emerging technologies. First, EGM specialises in validation, interoperability and certification programmes. Second, EGM provides state of the art scientific and engineering services for IoT market from sensors to data analytics using experience from about 10 years of involvement in IoT research and standardisation.
Main tasks: Besides bringing its expertise in IoT architecture and semantic modelling tasks, EGM drives the data aggregation layer definition and development, collecting data from heterogeneous water quality sensors, ensuring data transformation and upload to the data core. In addition, EGM develops predictive algorithms, building upon correlation analysis of system analytic functions.

Contact person:
Name: Philippe COUSIN
Position: President
Contact data:
Description: ARGANS is a UK-registered company with offices in Plymouth, Sophia-Antipolis and Brest, and staff hosted in London and Southampton. It is specialized in satellite-based Earth Observation, remote-sensing applications and services, and geographical information systems used to map and monitor the marine, atmospheric and terrestrial environments. ARGANS offers satellite mission solutions across a range of services, including development of ground segment algorithms and applications, data quality assessment and validation, or operations on behalf of space agencies, while keeping a strong scientific expertise in remote sensing science.
Main tasks: ARGANS will be responsible of the Crowd Sourcing part of the project (dataset and smartphone application implementation) and the production of the alert system to monitor fish behaviour and trigger early warning alerts.
ARGANS will also participate to the earth observation dataset implementation for monitoring of the environmental impact of IMTA, and to the correlation between sensors data and satellite data with fish behaviour and life/growth conditions.

Contact person:
Name: Philippe Bryère
Position: Project Manager
Contact data:
+33 229058335
Description: UNPARALLEL is a technological SME that develops digital technologies (hardware devices, software/web solutions, mobile applications) and provides consulting services with a strong foundation on research. Main markets include: IoT, Industrial IoT, Smart Cities, Smart Water Management, Smart Factories/Manufacturing, Consumer Products and Mobile Apps.
Main tasks: Leaders in the development of the electrical characterization framework for sensors and contributors to the development of the power supply / energy harvesting system and integration of communication technologies and sensors. Leaders in the establishment of a strategy and measures to protect the knowledge/foreground created during the project.

Contact person:
Name: Bruno Almeida
Position: Project Manager
Contact data:
Description: Deltares is a leading international research institute for applied geophysical, ecological and policy related research and development applied to delta areas. Deltares has expert knowledge of the entire effect chain from physical conditions to ecosystem functioning including the fields of hydrodynamics, hydro-ecological modelling, water quality, microbiology and aquatic eco(toxico)logy.
Main tasks: Deltares will be responsible for the development of ecosystem scale models to assess the optimal configuration of aquaculture components within an ecosystem, given the physical characteristics of the environment. Furthermore Deltares is responsible for the assessment of ecosystem services of the IMTA concept.

Contact person:
Name: Luca van Duren
Position: Project Manager
Contact data:
+31 620203243
Description:The Open University (OU) is the UK’s largest university, with 250,000 students per year studying its courses. The OU offers a wide variety of Open Educational Resources (OERs) and opportunities to study these resources collaboratively online through projects such as OpenLearn. This University has a center dedicated to STEM education (eSTEeM) which brings together academics in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.
Main tasks:OP will lead the Semantic Aquaculture Data Interoperability and Harmonization task. The University will participate in the framework and architecture design of the IMTA model, as well as they will contribute to the enhanced integrated aquaculture management system, and to the integration, pilot implementation and lab/in situ validation by contributing to the integrated Impaqt platform for IMTA production

Description: SAMS is a UK registered charity and owns two UK-registered subsidiary companies limited by guarantee. The organisation has an international reputation in marine science with active research in microbial & molecular biology, ecology, biogeochemistry and physics. SAMS has a large number of projects and publications in this field. SAMS over the last 13 years has pioneered macroalgal culture cultivation in the UK with several recent and ongoing EU projects.
Main tasks: The main role will be the sustainable cultivation macroalgae. They currently grow a range of macroalgal species both in tank cultivation and at 2 coastal sites close to their home in Scotland. This sites will be monitored during the project in terms of both the pelagic and benthic environments to provide the data needed of the environmental indicators to ground the sensors and technology that is being developed during the IMPAQT project

Contact person:
Name: Dr Michele Stanley
Position: Associate Director for Science, Enterprise and Innovation
Contact data:
+44 (0) 1631 559 295
Description: Tyndall National Institute at University College Cork is one of Europe’s leading research centers in integrated ICT hardware and systems, and the largest facility of its type in Ireland. They are specialised in electronics and
photonics – materials, devices and systems. Tyndall is capable of creating opportunities and prototyping new products for its target industries – electronics, medical devices, agri-food, energy and communications.
Main tasks: Within IMPAQT Tyndall will lead the development of embedded systems and innovative sensing platforms for the marine environment. Tyndall is the final responsable for the Autonomous data asquisition and commmunication systmen (IADAS). They will specifically desing and develop attachable bio-sensors to monitoring fish behaviour.

Description: The Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences (IOPAN) conducts scientific research in the shelf seas and coastal regions including the Baltic and European Arctic Seas. The Institute’s activity is concentrated on the basic theoretical and experimental marine research. IOPAN has gained an international recognition in Earth Science as one of the leaders within ocean optics and ocean colour remote sensing.
Main tasks: IOPAN will be involved in the development of autonomous data acquisition and communication systems. They provide locally developed remote sensing algorithms and satellite imagery, for regional mapping of selected parameters,, as well, they will participate in the deployment of the pilots and respective field trials demonstration, to finally validate proposed algorithms and remote sensing data and the Impaqt systems and models.

Contact person:
Name: Mirosław Darecki
Position: Head of Marine Physics Department
Contact data:
+48 58 7311813
Description: LEITAT is a Technological Centre specialized in production technologies. LEITAT develops R&D activities in the areas of materials sciences, environment, surface treatments, biotechnologies and renewable energies with deep knowledge and experience in technological transfers to several industrial sectors.
Main tasks: LEITAT is the responsible to design and implement the IADAS system. In detail will collaborate on the design and implementation of the control system, communication interfaces, and system Integration. Moreover, LEITAT will lead the Sustainability assessment in order to demonstrate that Impaqt system contributes to sustainable development and is aligned with Europe´s transition towards a circular economy.

Contact person:
Name: Raquel de Sousa
Position: Project manager
Contact data:
+34 937882300
Description: The Agricultural University of Athens (AUA) produces scientific knowledge on Greek Agriculture and Economy since 1920. The Laboratory of Microbiology and Biotechnology of Foods (LMBF) of AUA was established in 1994 and the main research activities are focused on Predictive modelling /Risk Analysis in Foods, biofilms control and contribution in using metabolomics as well as sensors (non-destructive approaches) in the food sector)
Main tasks: AUA-EMBT will contribute to the design specification of corresponding devices and methods for IMTA system. AUA-EBMT will lead the task with focus on sensor (non-invasive & non-destructive) techniques and analytics methods in tandem with data mining process for the assessment of fish quality and safety classification. AUA will lead the task which is dealing with the control of biofilms (biofouling) in surfaces of interest for aquaculture

Contact person:
Name: George Nychas
Position: Professor
Contact data:
Description: Harokopio University is a public higher education institution founded in 1990. The university aims at obtaining high international standards in its scientific research. HUA combines theoretical teaching with laboratory research, making use of academic teaching, applied knowledge and modern technology. Its basic aim is to promote scientific knowledge and contribute towards the improvement of the economic, social and cultural development of the country.
Main tasks: HUA will be the main responsible for the socio-economic assessment and cost-effectiveness analysis of IMPAQT system offered to the aquaculture industry. HUA will measure key socio-economic issues that will be affected by the project directly and indirectly and identify the critical constraints that increase cost and mitigate benefits for each of the pilot projects, based on a comparative study between them.

Contact person:
Name: George Malindretos
Position: Assistant Professor
Contact data:
Description: The University of Rome Tor Vergata was founded in 1982 and it is the second largest public university in Rome. The Department of Electronic Engineering carries out researches in the following fields: high frequency electronics, VLSI, optoelectronics and solar cells, high power electronics, sensors and microsystems.
Main tasks: UTOV will be involved in the following actions: Preparation of chemical sensors, design and realization of sensors interface circuits, the extraction of features from sensors signals and the interface with the IMTA system, characterization of the whole sensor system in laboratory conditions and in the pilot plants, and the final installation of sensor systems in pilot plants.
Dokuz Eylul University Marine Science and Technology (DEU-IMST), as a multidisciplinary research institution, primarily conducts research and studies on understanding the dynamics of marine environment as a whole and particularly focuses on living and nonliving marine resources, not only for basic scientific findings but also for production of information on the management issues relevant with these resources. DEU-IMST also considers that the sustainability in use of marine resources is the main principal which encompasses the efforts in also scientific challenges to be carried out in the marine environment. The scientific activities is not only restricted with field and experimental researches , but also a department for engineering studies comprising coastal engineering and naval architechture studies are also devised as an integral part of the DEU-IMST’s capacity.
Considering the diverse subject specific expertise needs in the topics of marine science and technology, DEU-IMST is also acts as an graduate school for post graduate students with highly diverse backgrounds such as natural sciences, engineering sciences, social sciences and medical sciences.

Description: The Galician Enterprise University Foundation (FEUGA) is a non-profit private foundation with more than 30 years’ experience fostering technology transfer among the university, the industry and society. It belongs to the Spanish Customized Advisory Service Network on R&D grants, promoted by the NCP (CDTI); and acts as University Knowledge Transfer Office, recognized by the Spanish government.
Main tasks: FEUGA will be directly responsible for the dissemination, communication, exploitation and training activities. FEUGA will design the exploitation strategy of the project, envisaging potential exploitation models of results in collaboration with other partners, particularly with the companies. FEUGA will specifically carry out the communication tasks by providing the required channels and materials.

Contact person:
Name: Inés Arias Iglesias
Position: Project Manager
Contact data:
+34 669662915
Description: Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute (YSFRI), Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences (CAFS), located in the heart of Qingdao, is the oldest multidisciplinary research institute of marine fisheries in China, affiliated to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Areas (MARA). YSFRI grew out of the Central Fisheries Laboratory, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry founded in January 1947 in Shanghai (moved to Qingdao in September 1949).
With an enduring dedication to the pursuit of academic excellence for nearly 70 years, YSFRI has developed 10 research divisions and 3 experimental bases, completed more than 1,300 research projects at state, province and ministry level, made over 300 key scientific discoveries, and won a wide selection of awards more than 200 times (43 national awards and over 160 ministerial/provincial awards), including the National Award for Progress in Science and Technology (2 first-class awards and 5 second-class awards), the National Invention Award (3 second-class awards), and the National Natural Science Award (1 third-class award).
Main tasks: YSFRI are responsible for providing a pilot in China for commercial IMTA and contribute to the main tasks as follows:
- Establish and optimize the integrated aquaculture in terms of selection, sizing, spatial configuration/arrangement and placement of various components or species according to the pilot conditions for increased productivity and reduced marine environmental pollution;
- involved in the design and development of the enhanced integrated aquaculture management system for IMTA, which includes modelling, data and predictive analytics for novel operational capabilities, optimal decision making and actuation capabilities, as well as data analytics methods that will allow fast and accurate screening of food quality and security assessments;
- involved in the task to integrate IMPAQT platform for IMTA production;
- prepare training module and promotion plan and organize conferences to disseminate IMTA knowledge.

Contact person:
Name: Jiang Zengjie
Position: Research Professor
Contact data:
+86 13964283019